TAKKK symposium 2024 event

The invisible processes in soil: the circulation of signals and nutrients between plants and soil organisms"
Marina Semtšenko
12.10.24 at 12:00 a' clock
TAKKK Art Center
"THE INVISIBLE PROCESSES IN SOIL: signaling and nutrient cycling between plats and soil organisms" is a lecture on the diversity and the importance of soil processes in the fuctioning ecosystems.
A diverse community of bacteria and fungi live in the soil, which plays a vital role in maintaining the diversity of plants and other organisms, as well in the circulation of various substances in the ecosystem. Among them there are disease-causing organisms that play important role in maintaining balance. On the other hand there is also fungi in the soil, which instead cooperate with plants by offering different services to each other.
However, the most numerous are the mircobes, whose task is to recycle dead tissues. Studying these organisms and understanding their life is a great challenge, as they are invisible to the human eye and at the surface their life course is very different from that of humans.
Marina Semtšenko: "In my lecture, I will try to explain the networks of underground interactions and give examples of how scientists study these invisible parts of the universe."

Eveli Varik
Opening 06.07.24 at 15:00-17:00
TAKKK Art Center
I-KOON is a flashback to generations ago - a tribute to women.
Life-sized icons, unreal and strange, are important symbols and draw attention to certain necessary liberation processes in life. It is a long journey through the path of life back to the theme of holiness.

Paper porcelain master class
"Soil & Moss I and II"
Margit Terasmees
28.04.2024 at 10:00-15:00 and 05.05.2024 at 12:00-15:00
TAKKK Art Center
In the master class "Soil & Moss I, II" we use sensitive, delicate and layered paper porcelain, we breathe in the rhythm of nature and become aware of the environment where systems, communities and synergy are important.
We give shape and form to the material by getting inspiration from the mystical rhythms of the mosses and soil cover as if it was paper porcelain's natural body.